We are in this Together
Collective Impact is a five condition approach to solving complex societal problems using the effective communication between and alignment of partner organizations and people. The Collective Impact approach has been used by governments and nonprofits alike to create measurable improvements in people’s lives.
The five conditions of Collective Impact are:
A Common Agenda: The use of population Results and Indicators provides a clear, practical and measurable way of articulating a common agenda for a community.
Shared Measurement System: Defining performance measures for each community partner that clearly align with the Common Agenda (Population Results and Indicators) provides the information needed to make decisions and revise strategies going forward.
Mutually Reinforcing Activities: Collecting data is only half the battle. Transparency in your planning can help you to use data to make decisions and guide your strategies to improve.
Continuous Communication: Communication, not just between partners but also with funders and the public, is a key component to any successful Collective Impact initiative.
Backbone Support Organization: A backbone organization provides the supporting infrastructure for a Collective Impact effort and is a facilitator of a highly structured data-driven decision making process. Force for Good Community Development Corporation will serve as this backbone in the city of Gary, Indiana.